Poupeegirl is my new best friend [addictive]

I used to like barbie but now.. i like poupeegirl instead. Poupeegirl is a very cute and pretty girl which you can dress her up like how you dress up your barbie dolls. The unique thing about poupeegirl is that they have lot's of latest trend clothes,interact with other people who play poupeegirl and also you can show off your latest buys in your wardrobe. I also put a poupeegirl widget on my blog. She is so cute! Fashionista will love poupeegirl than pet society xD

This is My home page where you'll see my friends,my closet,friends latest item and cute item.

You get to see my adorable doll too , haha ^^

This is the dressing room..

This is my closet which feature my stuff.
Note: In Poupeegirl, you must use ribbon to buy new things for your doll. To do that, you must upload picture of your latest buys (like what i did) .. into the closet and you'll get a random clothing and ribbons.

Here is where i shop for my doll..
ps: i always use up all my ribbons in a day. what a shopaholics. =X

So, come and play too

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