1st day of Internship(work)

aghhhhhh,this post is so two days ....=__= i started my job on monday..(look up to see the date),and you know what? i forgot to bring my camera. I think i have this kinda case,its call STML(Short term memory lost). I wanted to take some funny pictures but....forgetful me. >.<

Monday July 14,

i woke up early morning. Took a bus to Asia jaya and wait for a bus to Phileo damansara. That is my working place. So,im now working in an advertising adgency (egency). They are major in website. Well, i can say this is the 1st time im very tense with TIME. OMG, like how many times i look at my handphone. The Q damn long! And the bus hasn't arrive. The bus? The bus service very poor la...rapid KL. actually you know why???!! because the police gather at the road trowing party. So they put many road blocks. Thats why jam like hellllllllllll. JK, they block the road because of this protesting going on.Like WTF,its my 1st day of work and you ruin my day? Great,i arrive late to work. the police done a good job on the wrong timing.

I rang the bell and they introduce me to my place. The 1st thing i do is sit and on my Mac and and of cause on internet and look for a bunch of people. ehem,fav place to hang out at kscb. lol ..I was feeling bored and started to look around ,to see got any handsome dude , pretty gals,ghost? I am soooo sad. Not even a girl at creative department.ehem,bcz guy more creative.O.o kinda true. This is not the 1st time ,because back to my college ,im the only girl too(that was long time ago). Now have two girls join me,so im not lonely(play lonely song). Well,now at office i fell so lonely.No shopping partner ,no gossip,Sigh.T.T ..no wonder people rather study than work. My butt been sticking there for almost the whole day. i must make sure no one put super glue on my chair.^.~

While looking around i found a Dart board.Hmm,wonder why they have that.To relieve stress? Then, I look up and i found a paper ,a sign saying "sleeping lounge". wahhh,its so superb awsome. well,its another word for rest area. Hmm,the clock keep ticking,and they didnt give me a job to do. Monday was my free free day. seriously,ITS BORING. chatting at kscb at my home and at office is a different feeling. Hmm,maybe its the yellow light they put. It really makes you sleepy. BTW,romantic feeling too.

Tuesday july 15

The same old boring day,and wish they will give me something to do.All the designers are very busy..VERY.Lucky they give me something to do,at last!!!(in sweeney todd voice).well,on this day they have this debat for fuel..i want is xtra xtra money (show me the moneyy),its same like decrease fuel price.So,Money or cheap fuel? Which is better?


I forgot to bring my camera again..=____=



thurs july 17

guess what? i brought my camera today!

So here is the pictures

the dart board ,so funny they actually stick on the door.

Can you read that?the sleeping area O.O

And that is me in my office (my mac) im smiling right? nope?

owh well,i try my best to smile actually..somemore i curi -curi took the pictures. >.<

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